Conceptualizing Courses Easy Way

Identify types of common assault

Understand the importance of documenting + reporting all incidents

Use verbal de-escalation techniques effectively

Undertake a Dynamic Risk Assessment

Understand what factors would escalate to physical aggression + assault

Understand the importance of non-verbal communication

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Accrediated Tutoring Services

Our tutors have range of skills  and are confident in their knowledge of all the training content, and are able to assess competency, encourage potential, and appropriately challenge unhelpful attitudes.

Top Ranked Courses we offered

Students we tutored excelled the best in Exams
1 Day Training CSTF Mandatory


1 Day PMVA Refresher Course

£80+VAT ( Delivered By A grade GSA Tutors)

3 Days PMVA Induction Course

£200+VAT (Delivered By A grade GSA Tutors)

Our Course Workflow


Identify the Task


Breaking the Task into Parts


Setting an Agenda


Tutee Summary of Thought Process

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